Stroke Symptoms Warning Signs

If you suspect someone has had a stroke, always call 911 immediately. A stroke is a medical emergency. Learn the signs so that you can better help someone who is having or has had a stroke. You can also spot these signs to determine whether you have suffered from this event.

What Does Having A Stroke Look Like?

Someone who has had a stroke may exhibit stroke symptoms, including:

  • Headache
  • Numbness On One Side
  • Slurred Speech
  • Asymmetrical (Uneven) Face
  • Issues With Vision
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Balance & Coordination Issues
  • Trouble Walking
  • Panic
  • A Sudden Change (Active Stroke)
  • Trouble Talking

Is It A Stroke, Or Is It Something Else?

According to the American Heart Association, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds. Someone dies of a stroke every 3 minutes and 30 seconds. However, some of the stroke signs are not necessarily stroke symptoms.

Other Medical Conditions

Other medical conditions may have the same symptoms as stroke, but if you are ever unsure, treat it as though it is a medical emergency. It may be difficult to determine strokes in seniors if they have other medical issues. Some incidents that present the same as a stroke include:

  • Seizure
  • Migraine Headache
  • High Or Low Blood Sugar
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • High Blood Pressure

What Is A Stroke?

You have a stroke because your brain is not receiving the blood or oxygen it needs. Without either, your brain cells die, which results in brain damage or death. There are two types of stroke:

  • When a blood clot keeps blood from flowing to the brain, you have an ischemic stroke.
  • When a blood vessel in the brain bursts and prevents blood from flowing to the brain, you have a hemorrhagic stroke.

How Doctors Provide Stroke Treatment

Stroke treatment is based on factors such as whether a stroke is ischemic or hemorrhagic.

  • Treating Ischemic Strokes: If doctors can restore circulation to the brain quickly enough, they may significantly reduce stroke damage or prevent permanent damage. Doctors can use thrombolytic medications and catheterization to restore circulation.
  • Treating Hemorrhagic Strokes: Reducing a person’s blood pressure is the first thing doctors try to do, as the reduction helps slow the bleeding. However, if too much blood accumulates, you may need surgery to relieve the pressure.

Your doctor may also order supportive treatments like speech, cognitive, occupational, and physical therapies.

Contact PeachTree Place, Assisted Living & Memory Care

When you have a loved one who needs professional medical care, whether from a stroke or other condition, contact PeachTree Place, Assisted Living & Memory Care to discuss your loved one’s needs.

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